Saturday, April 21, 2012

Loupe Love

It's been a long time since I came around..
  Been a long time but I'm back in town!   --   Lady Gaga, what a lovely lady.

Hello all you whipper-snappers!
So today I unintentionally had a busy yet very free day.  If that makes any sense.  Contrary to my usual likings, I woke up at 6 am (surprisingly with ease) to go to the local farmer's market with an old friend.  Though there wasn't much selection due to it still being early in the season, we had a lovely time which we followed with a leisurely 5k run to support the American Cancer Society and some friends!  With plans for later in the afternoon, I decided to take a quick nap before my parents and I took a short jaunt over to New Glarus for a special dinner.  However, my parents being the oh-so-intelligent people they are decided to come in to wake me up just minutes before we were to depart with our friendly neighbors.  Anyone who knows me knows that they will not succeed in getting me up from a nap in a time frame of less than five minutes.  It's just not possible. So of course, they left without me, leaving me with a completely open agenda.  After failing to acquire plans with any other human beings, I settled on enjoying a night on my own which turned out to be quite pleasant.  I spent some time here and there on twitter, pinterest, instagram, etc. and found something truly awesome to add to my love of Google Chrome.  Oh, the possibilities.  You should really check it out.  I made this neat little collage that's totally the best of both worlds.  Instagram + Loupe = Love.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project Pinhole Camera

Good evening BlOGGERs.
    Well after procrastinating yet again, in more ways than one, I might add, I finally made my own pinhole camera. While visiting the University of Minnesota for a dean's reception late in February, my parents and I found ourselves wandering aimlessly around downtown Minneapolis near the Nicollet Mall. In order to kill some time, we sneaked (snuck?) into a nearby Barnes and Noble where I came across two fascinating things.
    Number one is this oh-so-ahhmazing magazine. It's a quarterly magazine on contemporary art and visual culture that features up-to-the-minute visual material, fresh faces, original voices, and new trends and talent in contemporary visual culture. So basically it combines my two absolute FAVORITE things. Elephants. And art. These people are geniuses. You definitely need to check one of these out.
    The second thing was something I'd just recently learned about in my rigorous Media Productions class. And when I say rigorous, I mean the teacher is an awkward noob who doesn't know half of what he's talking about and seems to like moving at a snail's pace. ANYwayyy, he did share with us his "adventures" with a homemade pinhole camera he made out of a paint can as an assignment in his college years. This sparked an interest in me to go on my own photography adventure and it just so happened that I stumbled upon this lovely creation while meandering the aisles of Barnes and Noble on that chilly day in The minneAPPLE.
    You can find a lot of cool DIY pinhole cameras all over amazon and other online photography stores like this one: Check it out; it has a LOT of nifty photography tools.
    Now it wasn't until this past week that I even got a chance to put the camera together. It took me about 2 hours to make but only about 15 minutes to go through a full roll of film.  It was a lot of fun to control the shutter speed and wind the film around on my own.  I felt very.. old school inventor-ish.
    I took the roll of film into the local Walgreens hoping that they still did developing.  Who actually uses film anymore?  Well, besides my 72 year-old grandmother.  To my surprise my photos were ready in under an hour and it only cost me about 10 buckaroos! I was a little nervous as to how they were going to turn out considering I was just free-balling the whole experiment.  Things became a bit more unsure when the lady behind the counter sort of crinkled up her face and said, "Oh just so you know, they didn't turn out that great."  Awesome, I just wasted $10.  I'm 18... $10 is a lot of money, people!  When I got home I slowly opened up to the envelope and was pleasantly surprised with some very interesting looking photos.  And when I say interesting I mean FREAKING COOL!  Dontcha think?
The Hoarder's Vases
Yours Truly
Campfire Smoke

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Project Numero 1

Bonjour! Sorry I've had this urge to speak french lately.  I speak french, you know.
  So anyway, after having an itch to be creative but sadly having no time to scratch that itch, I found some spare minutes over spring break to start on one my mom had been asking me to do.
  With the excessive proofs of senior pictures that I had taken in July (here's where the procrastinator in me makes it's appearance) my mom was determined to display as many of them as possible in order to showcase her wonderful daughter.  **Eyes rolling**  However, I'm not sure where I got the creative gene because she definitely doesn't possess it therefore leaving me to do the showcasing.
  Luckily we recently kicked out a tenant from one of the apartments in a complex my parents own.  This tenant was a schizophrenic hoarder.  From my mother's point of view, she was a nightmare, leaving mountains of smelly junk piled to the ceiling for her to clean out.  From my point of view, she was a handy helper and supplier of those vintage fandangles that I love so much.  We really hit the jackpot in the jewelry department and I saw an opportunity to showcase some of the unique pieces right along with my senior pictures. 
  We'd bought a shadowbox a month or a few ago so all I needed was to find the right things to display in it.  Surprisingly not as hard as I thought it'd be.  Since my mom wanted to display it above my piano I found anything and everything musical/creative that I could to make it look as pretty as possible :) I found some vintage looking sheet music at Michael's, some old awards I'd won at Solo and Ensemble, a couple pieces of the hoarder's stolen jewelry--a vintage broach and a chain necklace that I cut up to make work, a corsage from my freshman year Homecoming and some other cute embellishments.
  Basically I just dove in and started hanging, pasting, pinning.. and BURNING things :)  I felt a little bit B.A. doing it.  AND it turned out really awesome looking.  I found a simple way to make some homemade paper flowers on Pinterest (my favorite website!) so I whipped one up out of some music-note paper then burnt it to make it look more antiqued like the rest of the shadowbox. 

  It took about two days and I made a bit of a mess.. But here's what became of it!  :: 
(not the best quality photo but oh well!)


Mic check. One, two. One, two.
 Yo yo yo the name's Meg Schultz.
  I'm no good with tools. Yeah no nuts and bolts,
  But I can fix your style.
  You'll be smilin for a while.
  Come step inside my blog,
  Or join me on a jog.
  We just might hit it off,
  Someday be chillin in a loft.
  Gimme your cheesiest lines,
  I'll beat you a million times.
  Cuz I be makin plans
  Of just who I'll be and who i AMzzzzz.