Monday, August 13, 2012

A post of Firsts

My goodness.  Have you ever seen so many firsts in one post? Well probably not because you don't even know what they are firsts of. Here. Let me tell you.
You see, I went on a short little vacation to New York (for the first time) at the beginning of August as one last hurrah before I go off to school. So I decided I wanted to make something to document it.
In the past, I've taken tons of pictures of trips, events, etc. and plan to make some awesome scrapbook or album after the fact... It has never actually happened. Well, actually, I take that back. I did start and fail on a few and one ended up being completed about 2 years later.
So THIS time, I decided to be proactive and begin making a book BEFORE the trip! Smart huh? What can I say?
I used my newfound love for art journaling to create this guy here (My FIRST travel journal) with some help from Mary Ann Moss. I haven't actually taken her class YET but I watched quite a few "Remainders of the Day" journal flips from others on the wonderful YouTube that helped me get the gist of things. I read up on some book binding tutorials and I was off to work!
I gathered up some old folders, papers, envelopes, etc. and bound them all together to make something I could easily take with me on the plane and work on in the hotel after eventful days in NYC.
While we were there, I collected ticket stubs, receipts, brochures, business cards, and anything else that would make for a memorable (and pretty!) travel journal, then added journaling so I won't forget everything we did once I'm seventy and senile. Once I got home I stuck in some pictures I developed from Walgreens.. And this is what I got!!
Behold.. My FIRST stop-motion video.
I apologize, It's not the best. But I was too lazy to go back and re-do it. For your information this took 542 pictures to put together. So enjoy this, gosh-darnit!